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Contact Us

Call us at 770-851-5469 or Email us at

Our mailing address is P O Box 935, Kennesaw, GA, 30156

Advertising and Articles

Special Event Advertising Package

Our special event advertising package includes a display ad in the paper and an article and photo about your event which is published in the paper. In addition to being delivered by direct mail, the papers are published online at  And we do digital too! If your ad is for a special event, it will be published in our online calendar, and The Bright Side Digital Newspaper .  Once it is posted on our Digital Newspaper site it is automatically published on FB, Twitter, Tumblr and Linked In.  The digital coverage is included in the price of the ad.

Business News and Press Releases

We are a complimentary newspaper published once a month for Kennesaw/Acworth and Marietta/Powder Springs and mailed FREE to homeowners. The publications are paid for by our display advertisers. Without their support - there would be no community newspaper. If you have a story about your business you wish to share with our readers, we invite you to join our advertising family. Our advertising package includes a brief "welcome new advertiser" your first month (this includes a photo with cutline of your ribbon cutting, if you are having one). We also publish a story about your business if you advertise three months in a row in the same zone. Due to space constraints you must be an advertiser to have your press release or article published.

Classified or Paragraph Ads

We publish classified or paragraph ads under our This N That Section. We accept short reader ads - up to 50 words - for a fee of $25 per insert, or up to 100 words for $50 per insert. If you wish to add a photo, there is an additional $25 charge. The photo will be one column wide. Selling your home, Renting a house, need an employee, have a home based business, tutoring, teaching, in home childcare provider? Homebased business ads are accepted only if they do not conflict with our display advertisers. House sales accepted if only by owner . We accept Amex, Master card and Visa for your convenience.

Community News

We welcome your information about news, events and other activities occuring primarily within our mailing areas (see map).

If you have an article about your public school, civic group, church, sports team, the arts, or information that would be of interest to our readers - please email the basic information: who, what, where, when, why and how (if applicable). Be sure you include a phone number or email address that can be published for the PUBLIC to call for additional information. We do reserve the right to edit all submitted news release information. (If you have a specific event with specific wording, please consider our reasonable advertising rates.) Photos are welcome, jpegs only, attached to email.

Email is the preferred form of communication. Please copy and paste the text from your news release, calendar item, etc in the body of the email message. Please send all photos as jpegs attached to your email. DO NOT embed photos in a word document - we can not process the photo. All articles must be 300 words or less -we simply run out of room.